Tuesday, October 21, 2008

GOP voter "fraud": Destroying the fabric of democracy?

We've seen this before, where the GOP starts a short-sighted, strong concerted effort to demonize something they don't like. In this case, they don't like new Democratic voters, so they make up "voter fraud" and portray ACORN as, essentially, un-American.

In the not-so-distant past, the GOP laid waste against the federal government itself, saying that government was the problem (while simulaneously asking to be elected to federal government positions). The result is the inability of pretty much anyone on the Right to think about what goverment is good for (and, given the ineffective and dreadful efforts at warmaking, even the last bastion of goverment (the military) is being called into question.

Slamming the Press, and government, and voter registrants simply isn't a good long-term strategy.

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