How Partisan Do Politics Have to be?
You know, I know that we have two divided political parties. I know our system is broken in that there are only really two parties. I know Nader says they are much more alike than different (I dunno if I agree), but I what I don't know, what I don't get, is why or how our political parties are so against each other. This "us" or "them" mentality, win at all costs, attain and remain in power seemingly is completely missing the picture of what is best for our country. Clearly, obviously, tenets of both parties make sense, but not when it's an "us against them philosophy." So, in this ironic editorial by Republican Senator Beohner, he complains that the Dems stole a close vote on immigration last week. It was close, and apparently the Dems did muck it up (admitting such, sorta), but c'mon, you wanna talk "stolen votes"... I mean (presidential) elections (that have much greater and negative consequences)?
I wanna know how the next leader of this country is going to work in a bi-partisan way, with members of the opposition party, for example, in his or her cabinet, meeting with members of both parties to avoid groupthink, etc. I want a leader (I personally, I think Obama gets this) who realizes and is not afraid to endorse potential policies and decisions advocated by "the other side." I am not naive to believe that our two national parties will stop the we/they thinking (thanks Carl, for making it even more extreme), but I think, hope, that there are some leaders out there who will try to rise above it. We need it.
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