Considering that Huckabee won't concede that the earth is more than 6,000 years old, I think this seems just about right for him. (And psst...saw your name on my blog and was so glad to see that it was you! How you be, Tree?)
Oh and so now I actually READ the thing you're talking about...and um, yep. Sounds like classic Rovian politics are alive and well. Hopefully they die in November. Maybe Rove too.
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Considering that Huckabee won't concede that the earth is more than 6,000 years old, I think this seems just about right for him.
(And psst...saw your name on my blog and was so glad to see that it was you! How you be, Tree?)
Oh and so now I actually READ the thing you're talking about...and um, yep. Sounds like classic Rovian politics are alive and well. Hopefully they die in November. Maybe Rove too.
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